The memory of that talk and her beautiful book came to mind as I watched "Surviving Progress," not just because she is interviewed in the film, but because when confronted with the bleak realities of 21st century's globalized free market capitalism, one needs to hold on to something (even a single feather) of hope. As she says in her interview, "Humans are a problem-solving species."
In the documentary scientists, intellectuals, and writers take on the major concern of the next century: Will humanity change its ways or ask for a bigger shovel? For cynics, it should be said up front, humans aren't going anywhere. No matter how much eco-freaks and God-botherers howl at an empty sky. In Curt Stager's excellent book Deep Future we learn sure enough that we can't kill off the species through climate change, but we can make it miserable for the weakest and poorest among us; we can kill off huge portions of the population; and we can deplete (for us and our progeny) the natural abundance of resources in and on the Earth. Yet it must be admitted that "Market fundamentalism," or the blinkered faith in progress, has tethered all of us to the crazed horse of a global economy with no stable of regulations and rules large enough to house it.
One flattering problem the film reveals is that humans have been too successful. It took 1300 years to add 200 million people to the world's population, now it takes 3 years. With 6 or 7 billion people, some argue that this is too many by half. But I don't see the ruling elite changing their behavior or the bottom half of the planet living much better just because there are less people. Our numbers are going up, space and resources are limited, and as one interviewee says, "every time history repeats itself, the price goes up."
An intriguing and reoccurring topic in the film is the "progress trap." In learning and making progress 'we' saw at the very limb on which 'we' sit like the cavemen who discovered that charging a herd of animals over a cliff was easier than hunting them individually--smart but self-defeating if taken to extremes.
Author Margaret Atwood preempts conservative arguments saying that we should think of the earth not as some holy abstraction but as a finite system. "Unless we preserve the planet," she argues, "There isn't going to be any 'the economy' left." Her comments carefully juxtapose with the experience of a middle class Chinese tour guide, made comfortable by the rising industrialism in his country, but one who self-silences: He refuses to confront the problems of the environment directly for fear of retribution even when he and his own family recognize the drawbacks of development.
Of course the greatest part of this film is blame. It is not a conspiracy to speak of an international elite who literally dictate world policy. It does exist. And their instruments in the banking industry--who so excellently ensnared the developing world in debt obligations they could not possibly repay--have prepared the track for the great collisions of the 21st century: Who will pay the debts? Who says 'we' have to? What will happen if 'we' don't?
There are deficits to this sleek and beautiful film. The pseudo-scientific babbling of Robert Wright never ceases to sound like a mad-chemist's parrot set loose on camera: "Now more than ever you could argue that there's a unified social brain." What nonsense is this? And his imperative that we must make "moral progress" is as fantastical as it is a-historical. As is one interviewees notion that "we're up against human nature...we have to reform ourselves, remake ourselves." While he wasn't mentioned, philosopher and Enlightenment critic John Gray's recent (exceedingly bleak) arguments and historical work on this point are fairly conclusive. (For more see The Immortalization Commission.) Such a ridiculous frame for change as 'human nature' (whatever that turns out to be) will offer up human nature itself: mercurial, uncertain, radically alternate.
More convincing is the notion that we need to "prove nature wrong," as one scientist argues. In this vein, we must prove that "making apes smarter is NOT a dead end." (The experiment of civilization could topple, the film purports, unless we shore up our world.) Human beings may not have a "united social brain" or be able to individually transform "their natures" but humans can arise to a challenge. They can act collectively. Perhaps the next challenge of societal progress--as opposed to human progress--is a collective decision to overcome impulses to greed for generations as yet unborn. It will take reclaiming a simple word: "We."
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